A Bible School to help you
Understand God's Word

So many Christians struggle to understand their Bible. RHEMA is a Bible school that helps people to know God’s Word. When someone knows God’s Word they will grow in their faith and apply it to their life.
Learn Biblical Principles
Grow in Your Faith
Find Your Purpose




Wish to attend classes at RHEMA but not sure if this is what you’re looking for? Contact us to attend a free class!


Aspects of Grace

Understanding grace is essential to living a successful Christian life. This course presents a balanced perspective into how the grace of God operates in the believer’s life.

Particular attention is paid to understanding grace for salvation, grace for successful Christian living, and grace for effective service in God’s kingdom, as well as how each of these graces can be accessed.

Advanced Prayer

Prayer is a vital aspect of life as a Christian. Jesus is our example of effective prayer, and throughout His life, we can see its relationship to effective ministry and to God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Several aspects of effective prayer are contending in prayer and watching in prayer. This course also provides times of prayer in which to practice what is learned regarding prayer.

Authority of the Believer

When Christ arose from the grave, He sat down at the right hand of the Father. He delegated to His church the authority He had been given. In this course, the student will learn who they are and what they can do in Christ Jesus. Emphasis will be given to the truth that every believer is raised up together and seated together with Christ in the heavenly places, in a position of authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy.

The student will be given the principles of how to exercise their God-given authority over all the works of the devil, and learn how to live in the victory Christ purchased for us through His death and resurrection.

Bible Doctrines

It is vital, especially in this day and age, for every Christian to possess a solid theological understanding of the major doctrines of Christianity. This course is designed to introduce to the students these major doctrines as revealed in the Scriptures. Special consideration will be given to Bibliology - the study of the Bible, Theology – the study of God, Christology - the study of Christ, Anthropology – the study of man, Hamartiology - the study of sin, and Soteriology - the study of salvation.

Bible Interpretation

Christians should not depend upon someone else to interpret the Bible for them. Rather, God requires of all believers that they become spiritually mature enough that they can study and understand the Scriptures for themselves.

This course is designed to develop in the student the skill of Biblical Interpretation. Students receive an overview of the most widely accepted rules of Biblical Interpretation, including contextual, historical, cultural, and grammatical interpretation. Included in this course is an examination of the role and influence of the Holy Spirit in guiding the believer in understanding and interpreting the Scriptures.

Biblical Prosperity

This course is designed to acquaint the student concerning the subject of biblical prosperity, from a balanced and careful study of the subject.

The student will understand what prosperity is and also what it is not. The student will also understand that true prosperity involves more than the accumulation of material possessions, but affects every area of our lives. Attention will be paid to understanding how to be a good steward of the resources that God has entrusted to us, so that we may become an avenue of blessing to the world around us.

Blood Covenant

This course involves a powerful presentation of the Scriptural importance of the blood covenant and its principles, application and influence on those who participate in it. Various covenants found within the Bible will be examined and compared. Ultimately, the student will gain a better understanding of their personal relationship with God the Father through the blood of Jesus Christ, as revealed within the New Covenant.

Christian Marriage and Family

The family unit was designed by God and is intended to be a reflection of our relationship with God. Churches and societies rise and fall based upon the strength of families. In the Bible, God places much emphasis on developing and maintaining strong marriages and families.

Christian Stewardship

We will be required to give an accounting of our stewardship of all God has entrusted into our care. This course is designed to help the student understand the importance of balancing our Christian life, our walk with God, and also our ministry work. Emphasis will be given to the truth that every believer is a steward of God in all areas of our lives. The student will be taught how to manage well Christian life and ministry work.

Church History

This course gives an overview of two thousand years of Church History. More than a history course, this course will give students practical insights into the most important periods and events of church history, all the way up to the present day, and what the lessons learned from them teach us today.

The course acquaints the student with the characteristics of the true church as revealed in the Book of Acts. It will be shown how the church through the centuries went through several cycles of revival, apostasy, and revival again. Special attention is given to studying important leaders and significant issues they faced throughout the
centuries, and how they relate to us today.


This very practical course focuses on counseling from a Christian perspective. The wisdom from God’s Word is examined as it relates to counseling. Each student will be equipped to counsel effectively in a wide variety of situations to a wide spectrum of personalities. Special care is given to explain various personality types and the best way to communicate with each one.

Discovering the Old Testament

This course emphasizes not historical facts but pertinent truths. The Apostle Paul had this in mind when he wrote to the Corinthians concerning Old Testament history: “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come” (1 Cor. 10:11 NIV 1984).

As students study the history of Israel, God’s covenant people, they’ll understand God’s nature, the sin of man and its consequences, and God’s mercy as these are revealed through the plan of redemption. Abstract truths will become concrete pictures easily applied to students’ lives.


The book of Ephesians contains many rich truths, like deposits within the soil that must be mined. In this course, the student will receive a thorough understanding of the book of Ephesians, how it relates to other books of the Bible, and how the truths contained within it that are so central to the New Testament can be applied to the believer’s life.

Faith Foundations

Faith is a distinctive message that RHEMA is known for. God gave Rev Kenneth E. Hagin a mandate to “go teach my people faith”. Faith touches every aspect of the believer’s life. We are saved by it. We receive every redemptive promise and blessing by faith. We overcome the devil and the world by our faith. We walk and live by faith. Without faith, we cannot please God.

This course is designed to thoroughly explore the subject of faith. Special attention will be given to the topics of what faith is, how faith comes, and how faith works. The distinction between true bible faith and foolishness or presumption will also be discussed.

Fruit of the Spirit

This course examines the nine fruit of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22 and 23. Throughout this course, the student will be taught the importance of growing in Christian character by developing and exemplifying the fruit of the spirit in their lives. Specific ways to cultivate the fruit of the spirit and thereby grow in godly character will also be taught.

Gifts of the Spirit

In this course, we will study the nine Gifts of the Spirit as listed in I Corinthians 12:7-11, how they relate to our everyday lives, and how we can become vessels through whom the Lord can move to minister in the gifts.

Gospel of John

This course will give a general overview of John’s gospel, focusing primarily on Chapters 1-11, which cover John’s perspective of the entire ministry of Jesus up until His final week on earth. Particular attention and emphasis will be paid to practical lessons learned from John’s Gospel about how to live the Christian life, as well as Jesus’ example of life and ministry and what that speaks to the Christian.

Great Commission

This course is about the mission of the church to relate to the world, not only in the traditional missions context, but within societal frameworks. It is a study of missions from the standpoint of being sent from the Kingdom of God to accomplish specific goals and objectives to advance God’s Kingdom on the earth through impacting various parts of culture.

Healing: God's Will for You

This course provides a thorough study of the subject of God’s will concerning sicknesses and healing, as revealed within the Scriptures. Specific attention will be paid to how to receive healing, hindrances to receiving healing, and how to maintain healing once it is received.

How to be Led by the Spirit

One of the most important things that a Christian can learn is how to be led by the Holy Spirit. It can literally save your life! Yet many Christians struggle to hear God’s voice and to know the will of God for their lives. This course simplifies for the student how to know clearly what God is leading them to do.

The student will learn the various ways God leads, and to identify the basic ways that guidance is given and where to look for divine guidance. The student will also learn how to increase in sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.


Leadership skills are critical to the success of a ministry or a business. The student will learn effective leadership and people management skills, as well as receive tools that will help them to develop as a leader. The benefits of team building and the ingredients required to build successful teams will be presented.

Life of Honor

According to the Word, as believers, we are to live a life of honor toward God and man. Therefore, this course is designed to thoroughly explore the subject of Biblical honor. Special attention will be given to exploring the characteristics and benefits of one who is living a life of honor, as well as how we are to show honor to others.

Ministry Gifts

In Ephesians 4:11, the Bible describes five distinct offices of leadership within the church that we often call ministry gifts. This course will give an overview of each one, and also show how they complement one another. Special attention will be given to understanding how Christians can receive from these various kinds of ministries. The student will learn how to discover the call of God upon their own lives. Attention will also be given to understanding how those who are in supportive roles in the church can work together with those in leadership roles to accomplish God’s will on the earth.

New Testament Literature

This course provides an overview of the entire New Testament and includes a brief background study of the intertestamental period between Malachi of the Old Testament and Matthew of the New Testament.

The overview will include an examination of the authorship, historical setting, as well as the purpose and theme for each book.

Operating in the Gifts of the Spirit

The course will give the student practical instruction as to how to yield to the Holy Spirit in order to operate in the gifts of the Spirit accurately, with precision, and effectively. The student will learn how to recognize the moving of the Spirit, how to know when He wants to use them, and how to cooperate with Him when He moves. Time will be given in the class for demonstration and activation

Personal Evangelism

The supreme task of the church, and of every believer, is to bring the unsaved to Christ. Yet many Christians do not know how to effectively share their faith with others. In this course, the student will be taught how to do that with confidence and conviction.

Praise Life

The focus of this course is the development of a lifestyle of praise and worship in the student, and how praise and worship relates to God’s power operating in and through our lives.

Prayer Principles

While all prayer is prayer, there are different rules that govern each type of prayer. This course will distinguish the various types of prayer, and the rules for each of them, so that students can understand how to pray successfully.

Redemptive Realities

This course provides an in-depth insight into the fall of man and the redemptive work of Christ. This course also provides a careful examination of “In Christ” realities, which are who we are, what we have, and what we can do in Christ.


This course explores the nature of righteousness from a New Testament perspective and in the light of the finished work of Christ. The practical effects of righteousness will be examined, as well as how believers are to walk in and produce the fruits of righteousness in their lives.


This course is designed to give a clear and biblical understanding of the Book of Romans, covering its major themes, and how what it teaches directly applies to our everyday lives as Christians.

Spirit of Faith

Faith should be as natural for the Christian as breathing it. It should not require some special effort on our part to operate in faith. This course is designed to help familiarize and equip students with a lifestyle of faith that is both practical and integrated into a normal part of everyday living. Special attention will be given to show how the believer has already been equipped with a spirit of faith, and how that spirit of faith operates through is to accomplish great things for God!

Spiritual Formation

This course examines the importance of growing up spiritually and the different stages of spiritual development. Special attention will be given to growing spiritually through the spiritual disciplines given to us in the Word of God.

Submission and authority

According to the Word, Christians are to live a life of honor toward God and man. This course is designed to thoroughly explore the subject of biblical honor. Special attention will be given to exploring the characteristics of biblical submission and authority, giving an understanding of what it is, as well as taking a look at extremes and excesses in this area.

Supportive Ministries

This course presents an overview of the vital areas of ministry within the local church, specifically addressing Support Staff or Helps ministry. Special attention will be given to the heart attitudes required in those who help, as well as the skills necessary in performing in a helps position.

The Healing Ministry

This course is designed to help students in understanding God’s will in the difficult to interpret scriptures, as well as providing an understanding of the various methods of divine healing. Students will be equipped through this course to minister healing to the sick with confidence and assurance.

The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the Person of the Trinity Who lives within each Christian, and interacts with is on a daily basis. It is important therefore that every believer has an in-depth understanding of the Person and Ministry of the
Holy Spirit, knows how to grow in their relationship with the Holy Spirit, and understands how to yield to the operation of the Holy Spirit in their life and ministry.

Triumphant Church

In this course, the student will learn about the operation of angels and demons. Attention will be given to understanding the origin, purpose, and responsibilities that angels have in the Kingdom of God today. A similar study will be made concerning Satan and demons with regard to their origin, activity, defeat and destiny.

True and False Doctrine

The Bible warns us that in the last days there will be a proliferation of false doctrines, ministries and manifestations. The Word is equally clear that it is the believer’s responsibility to detect and discern false and unsound doctrine, false leaders, and manifestations that are not from God.

This course will equip the student with the tools necessary to walk in Biblical discernment concerning doctrine, leadership and spiritual manifestations while maintaining an attitude of love and humility towards others.

Walking in Divine Alignment

Walking in divine balance is about helping you know how to walk in balance in your life, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, while avoiding the pitfalls of stress and burnout.

In this course, you will learn about God’s design for human balance, how to develop a healthy soul according to 3 John 2, how to avoid burnout, successful stress management techniques, and how to align yourself with God’s plan for your life so that you can pursue it with precision.

Care will also be given to pay attention to how to recognize and follow God’s plans and purposes for our lives, understanding that a primary key to walking in divine alignment is when we are aligned with His will.

RHEMA Bible Training Center

Only S$150 
per module

Pay as you learn! The RHEMA course is a total of
40 modules that can be taken at your own pace.

*Price excludes textbooks.

RHEMA Bible Training Center

At RHEMA Singapore, we have full-time and part-time courses to suit your lifestyle.
Full-time: Monday-Friday 8.30 AM to 12.20 PM
Download the 2025 Semester 1 full-time schedule here >
Download the 2025 Semester 2 full-time schedule here >

Part-time: Wednesday 8.00 PM to 9.50 PM and Saturday 2.30 PM-6.20/7.20 PM
Download the 2025 Semester 1 part-time schedule here >
Download the 2025 Semester 2 part-time schedule here >

© 2024 RHEMA Bible Training Center Singapore
